Hue, Vietnam

Hue, Vietnam

Thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder characterized by reduced hemoglobin production, has silently emerged as a significant health concern in Vietnam.

Hue, Vietnam-Thalassemia, a genetic blood disorder characterized by reduced hemoglobin production, has silently emerged as a significant health concern in Vietnam.

This hereditary condition poses a considerable burden on affected individuals and their families, necessitating attention from healthcare authorities and society at large.


Vietnam has witnessed an increasing prevalence of thalassemia in recent years, with an estimated 10-15% of the population carrying thalassemia genes. The northern regions, including Hanoi and Haiphong, report higher rates compared to the southern parts of the country. The high carrier rate is attributed to consanguineous marriages and a lack of awareness about genetic testing.

Individuals with thalassemia face numerous challenges, including the need for regular blood transfusions, iron overload complications, and the financial burden of managing a chronic condition. Access to specialized healthcare services and affordable treatment options remains a concern, particularly in rural areas where healthcare infrastructure may be limited.

Raising awareness about thalassemia is crucial for prevention and early detection. Public health campaigns and educational initiatives can help dispel myths surrounding the disorder, encourage premarital genetic screening, and promote family planning strategies to reduce the transmission of thalassemia genes. Genetic counseling services play a pivotal role in empowering at-risk couples with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Vietnam has taken steps to address the growing thalassemia problem. The government has implemented screening programs for pregnant women and engaged in educational campaigns to increase awareness. However, continued efforts are needed to strengthen healthcare infrastructure, improve access to genetic testing, and provide financial support to families dealing with thalassemia.

Collaboration with international organizations and sharing best practices can enhance Vietnam's ability to tackle thalassemia effectively. Exchange programs, research partnerships, and the adoption of successful strategies from other countries with similar challenges can contribute to a more comprehensive approach to thalassemia management.

Thalassemia in Vietnam is a multifaceted issue that requires a concerted effort from healthcare authorities, communities, and individuals. By prioritizing awareness, genetic counseling, and access to quality healthcare, Vietnam can mitigate the impact of thalassemia on its population. The journey towards effective thalassemia management involves not only national initiatives but also global collaboration to create a healthier future for individuals affected by this genetic disorder.

Cure2Children: Pioneering accessible Cure for Thalassemia

Cure2Children, a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of children with thalassemia, stands at the forefront of innovative approaches to curing this genetic blood disorder. With a mission to provide accessible and sustainable solutions, Cure2Children is making significant strides in the global fight against thalassemia.

Utilizing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) as a primary treatment method, Cure2Children focuses on matching donors and recipients to achieve successful outcomes. The organization emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis, ensuring timely intervention for children affected by thalassemia.

Cure2Children's commitment extends beyond medical procedures; they actively engage in community education and capacity-building programs. By collaborating with healthcare professionals, the organization aims to enhance local expertise in thalassemia care, ensuring that communities are equipped to manage and prevent the disorder.

One of the notable achievements of Cure2Children is its effort to establish thalassemia treatment centers worldwide. By partnering with local healthcare providers and governments, the organization strives to create sustainable solutions that empower communities to address thalassemia comprehensively.

In the journey towards a cure for thalassemia, Cure2Children exemplifies the power of collaboration, innovation, and compassion. By combining medical expertise with community engagement, this organization is contributing significantly to the realization of a future where thalassemia is not just managed but ultimately cured.

In December 2023, Cure2Children, in collaboration with DKMS-Germany, has launched a collaboration aiming at offering accessible and sustainable cure of thalassemia by HSCT at Hue Central Hospital, Hue - Vietnam. The local coorinator of this project is Dr. Kim Hoa. With Dr. Kim we met 50 families of children with thalassemia and obtained consent for compatibility testing. We hope to start transplant activity by spring 2024.