GNN - Global Neuroblastoma Network
GNN brings together physicians and organizations from around the world.
The “Global Neuroblastoma Network”, GNN is a research and treatment project promoted by the Cure2Children Foundation. The project was born in 2011 thanks to an important contribution from the Umberto Veronesi Foundation and the involvement of leading international experts on the subject.
Pediatric cancers are among the leading cause of mortality from disease in childhood and neuroblastoma has the sad record of being, alone, the leading cause of death in preschool age. This is due both to the intrinsic resistance of the tumor to current therapies and to its relative rarity and the consequent difficulty of conducting adequate biological and clinical studies. Over 80% of cases occur in low- and middle-income countries where there is often no possibility of accessing an adequate diagnostic and therapeutic pathway.
The GNN project, thanks to the involvement of professionals from over 50 countries, has been active since 2016 promoting online patient discussions and the use of common treatment protocols, see scientific publication.