Where does Cure2Children come from?

C2C is a non-profit, secular and apolitical organization launched in 2007 by a group of parents who lost their child to cancer, in collaboration with a pediatric hematologist-oncologist, Dr. Lawrence Faulkner (more about him). C2C is based in Florence - Italy and operates globally.
President: Cristina Cianchi
Vice President: Simonetta Sorio
Trustees: Roberto Valerio, Giorgio Righetti and Lawrence Faulkner.
What has C2C achieved over the years?
- Critical contribution to the start-up of diagnostic and treatment services for children with cancer and severe blood disorders in Kosovo,Armenia, Georgia, Morocco, Ghana, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
- Online information technology platform with 15,000 registered children, about 850 of whom have been cured from fatal diseases, like thalassemia, sickle cell disease, and aplastic anemia directly in middle-income regions.
- Development and support of a network for the training of about 50 doctors and 200 nurses so far.
- Online case discussions on various platforms (Global Neuroblastoma Network, Cure4Kids Thalassemia Group, BMTPlus).
- Some of this work has been validated in several peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Where is it going?
We believe that to empower healthcare systems more attention has to be given to issues that are important but not urgent. Focusing on humanitarian emergencies is not enough and may not attract and retain the qualified local health professionals that are needed to improve the local healthcare system. At Cure2Children, we work with global leaders to design, test, and implement local solutions for one of the world’s biggest development challenges: That children have access to affordable and reliable care directly in low- and middle-income countries.
Our Partners
The Cure2Children support strategy is to provide professional advice, connections and resources and continue to be involved until projects are consolidated and sustainable. C2C partner centers are connected as a single virtual unit sharing experiences and experience by a powerful online platform. This approach allows to take advantage of a large numbers of patients , discounted network rates for diegnostics and drugs and ultimately improve quality of care and value delivery.
The Sankalp India Foundation is our major partner in India. C2C has collaborated with this young and dynamic group of volunteers centered in Bangalore-India, since 2013 and developed two bone marrow transplantation unit, one in Bangalore, at the Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital (moving from the People Tree Hospital), and one in Ahmedabad at CIMS Hospital. Cumulatively Sankalp India Foundation has performed close to 300 BMTs since 2015.
The South East Asia Institute for Thalassemia in Jaipur-India has performed over 130 BMTs since 2012 and is now moving to the Mahatma Gandhi Hospital.
The Dr Akbar Niazi Teaching Hospital in Islamabad-Pakistan, were most of our team has moved from the Children's Hospital of the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. has performed 30 transplants since 2018.

Our Supporters
Over 2.000 individuals and organization have supported our work over the years, just to mention major ones: