My name is Caroline NtyamBikoro and I am Manuella-Christiane's mother.
A few years ago I lost a baby to sickle cell anemia. As parents we were aware that we were both carriers, therefore at risk of having another child with sickle cell anemia. When I lost my son my descent into hell began and I was overwhelmed by a terrible depression that lasted for many years. I had a lot of trouble getting pregnant and even though it was a difficult decision we decided not to terminate the pregnancy.
When Manuella-Christiane arrived, it was a great joy but a week old was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. A new blow hit our family. The little girl was immediately subjected to antibiotic and folic acid therapy but at the age of 4 months she had the first episode of severe systemic infection which recurred almost every 3 weeks including hip arthritis with very severe anemia. age of about 6 months. We had almost lost it. Then, thanks to another parent, who put us in contact with Dr. Faulkner, hope was lit. At first we were torn, but we had no choice but to pray and trust. Dr Faulkner and the Cure2Children team did everything they could and all for free for us. Now a great light of hope has enveloped our family. The free compatibility test has certified that Manuella is compatible with her older brother and now we just have to be patient. We would like to thank the entire team and all the people who decide to help Manuella-Christiane in advance. A heartfelt thanks to Dr. Faulkner who never spares himself to help us at a distance because we live in Cameroon, a country with very low incomes and insufficient medical assistance.