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Make a Donation

For All Donations, Write In The Reason:
Donation, Name, Surname, Street, Postcode, Country, Province

Donate with Paypal

You just need a credit card.

It is not necessary to have a PayPal account.
You can also use PayPal to support Cure2Children with a recurring donation.

By clicking on the Donate button you will be redirected to our central Italian PayPal account (please Google translate if required) where you can make a recurrent donation and spread out your contribution over time.

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Credit Agricole

You can make a bank transfer to:
Fondazione Cure2Children ONLUS
IBAN: IT96L0623021402000046993801

Credit Agricole
Via Barberinese n. 90
50013 Campi Bisenzio (Firenze)